Catalyst [Prototype V4]

With the cage removed and the testing field now expanding. I bring to you, the ability to re-plant your Catalyst! Keep your Catalyst alive so that you don't lose all hope. The feature seems a tad be useless, but it will actually come in handy later on if you actually want to finish the game. But of course you could always just ignore the game itself and enjoy playing with the particle effects ;)

- What's New -

  1. Rain effect
  2. Planting feature
  3. Catalyst interaction cooldown
  4. Cooldown text colour transition
  5. Changed "Press [E]" text to either "Pick [E]" or "Plant [E]"

- Small Fixes -

  1. Changed UI from Japanese texts to English
  2. Change game and file names from Japanese to English
  3. Played with some hitboxes
  4. Fixed 'Pick' particles appearing above Catalyst rather than on/it it

Make sure to join my Discord to learn about updates Instantly!


My Account: Deity#1501 

Big thanks to DodgerAF for doing the soundtracks! 



Get Catalyst [WIP]

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